Where can I view Decina product?
We display a wide range of our product in plumbing retail stores. Furthermore, all our branches have a showroom where you can view a majority of our products. Please contact your nearest Decina branch for a list of stockists with particular products on display or to make an appointment to visit the Decina showroom itself.
Can I obtain a price for a Decina bath / spa bath / shower?
As we are a wholesaler, we do not provide recommended retail pricing. Please contact your nearest Decina branch for a list of retail stockists that can provide you with a quote and place an order on your behalf.
What types of baths / spa baths can be used as a shower bath?
All Decina baths / spa baths that feature a tile bead are ideal for a shower over bath application. The tile bead allows the bath to be inset into a wall. Please ensure the correct methods of installation a followed for this application i.e. A cement slurry mix or a base support frame is used to create a strong support foundation.
Are spa baths safe?
Yes, all Decina spa baths have built-in safety features including a safety cut-off system for any jet blockages. Also, on models that come with an electronic touch pad control or spa key control, the spa bath will automatically turn off if no water is present.
How do I clean my bath / spa bath?
Acrylic baths are easy to clean using either warm soapy water or a liquid polish such as Brasso or car polish. To refresh pipework when using bath oils or similar products in your spa bath – run cold water with ½ a cup of bi-carb soda through the system for fifteen minutes, and then empty the spa bath.
How much water will my bath / spa bath use?
Decina products are economical to run and use minimal water. A spa bath’s working capacity is only 40 mm above the jets.
What are the electrical requirements for running a spa bath?
All Decina spa baths run on a 10 amp standard power supply.
At what sound level do spa bath pumps operate?
65 decibels. This equates to the spa bath pump generating less noise than the water circulating through the spa bath system. The pump has rubber anti-vibration pads molded into the pump base to eliminate vibration.
How much height does the galvanized base support or base & rim support frame add to the overall height of my bath / spa bath?
There is a 30 mm height adjustment which will add approximately 90 – 120 mm to the height of your bath / spa bath.